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Physics Journal Impact Factor 2007

This Journal Citation Reports focuses mainly on nuclear physics and relative subjects.

Journal Title | Journal Country | Impact Factor

Nature | ENGLAND | 28.751
Science | UNITED STATES | 26.372

Reviews of Modern Physics | UNITED STATES | 38.403
Physics Reports | NETHERLANDS | 20.263
Nature Physics | ENGLAND | 14.677
Reports on Progress in Physics | ENGLAND | 11.366
Physical Review Letters | UNITED STATES | 6.944
Physics Today | UNITED STATES | 5.133
Physics Letters B | NETHERLANDS | 4.189
Annals of Physics | UNITED STATES | 3.253
EPL | FRANCE | 2.206
Chinese Physics B | CHINA | 2.103
Progress of Theoretical Physics | JAPAN | 1.936
JETP Letters | RUSSIA | 1.378
Acta Physica Sinica | CHINA | 1.277
Chinese Physics Letters | CHINA | 0.812
Communications in Theoretical Physics | CHINA | 0.676
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | JAPAN | 0.606
Science in China Series G | CHINA | 0.591

Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | UNITED STATES | 12.885
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | ENGLAND | 4.101
Journal of Physics G | ENGLAND | 3.485
Physical Review C | UNITED STATES | 3.302
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | UNITED STATES | 3.207
Nuclear Physics A | NETHERLANDS | 3.096
European Physical Journal A | GERMANY | 1.801
Modern Physics Letters A | SINGAPORE | 1.455
Nuclear Data Sheets | UNITED STATES | 1.362
International Journal of Modern Physics A | SINGAPORE | 0.764
International Journal of Modern Physics E | SINGAPORE | 0.684
Physics of Atomic Nuclei | RUSSIA | 0.515
Chinese Physics C | CHINA | 0.171

Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | UNITED STATES | 20.290
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | UNITED STATES | 7.898
Astrophysical Journal | UNITED STATES | 6.405
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | ENGLAND | 5.249
Astronomical Journal | UNITED STATES | 5.019
Physical Review D | UNITED STATES | 4.696
Astronomy & Astrophysics | FRANCE | 4.259
International Journal of Modern Physics D | SINGAPORE | 1.870
Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics | CHINA | 0.652

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