◆ This Journal Citation Reports focuses mainly on the field of nuclear physics and relevant subjects collected from JCR Science Edition 2009 in comparison with 2008 and 2007.
IF2009 2008 2007 | Journal Title | Journal Country
↑ 34.480 31.434 28.751 | Nature | ENGLAND
↑ 29.747 28.103 26.372 | Science | UNITED STATES
– 33.145 33.985 38.403 | Reviews of Modern Physics | UNITED STATES
– 17.752 18.522 20.263 | Physics Reports | NETHERLANDS
↓ 15.491 16.821 14.677 | Nature Physics | ENGLAND
– 11.444 12.090 11.366 | Reports on Progress in Physics | ENGLAND
– 7.328 7.180 6.944 | Physical Review Letters | UNITED STATES
↑ 5.083 4.034 4.189 | Physics Letters B | NETHERLANDS
↑ 4.437 3.674 5.133 | Physics Today | UNITED STATES
– 3.312 3.440 3.264 | New Journal of Physics | ENGLAND
↑ 2.893 2.203 2.206 | Europhysics Letters | FRANCE
↓ 2.677 3.171 3.253 | Annals of Physics | UNITED STATES
↑ 2.572 2.058 2.212 | Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | JAPAN
↑ 2.368 1.661 1.936 | Progress of Theoretical Physics | JAPAN
– 1.662 1.418 1.378 | JETP Letters | RUSSIA
↓ 1.293 1.680 2.103 | Chinese Physics B | CHINA
– 1.040 0.973 0.591 | Science in China Series G | CHINA
– 1.003 1.165 1.277 | Acta Physica Sinica | CHINA
↑ 0.972 0.743 0.812 | Chinese Physics Letters | CHINA
↓ 0.579 0.719 0.676 | Communications in Theoretical Physics | CHINA
– 0.547 0.480 0.606 | Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement | JAPAN
↑ 11.964 9.893 12.885 | Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science | UNITED STATES
↑ 4.270 2.730 3.278 | Nuclear Fusion | AUSTRIA
↓ 3.556 3.860 4.101 | Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics | ENGLAND
↑ 3.477 3.124 3.302 | Physical Review C | UNITED STATES
– 2.409 2.299 3.070 | Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion | ENGLAND
↓ 2.124 5.270 3.485 | Journal of Physics G | ENGLAND
– 1.968 2.015 1.801 | European Physical Journal A | GERMANY
– 1.706 1.959 3.096 | Nuclear Physics A | NETHERLANDS
– 1.413 1.463 3.207 | Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables | UNITED STATES
↓ 1.145 3.404 1.362 | Nuclear Data Sheets | UNITED STATES
↓ 1.075 1.334 1.455 | Modern Physics Letters A | SINGAPORE
– 0.941 0.982 0.764 | International Journal of Modern Physics A | SINGAPORE
– 0.643 0.492 0.684 | International Journal of Modern Physics E | SINGAPORE
– 0.539 0.491 0.515 | Physics of Atomic Nuclei | RUSSIA
– 0.251 0.260 0.171 | Chinese Physics C | CHINA
– 25.640 25.826 20.290 | Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | UNITED STATES
↓ 12.771 13.990 7.898 | Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | UNITED STATES
↑ 11.857 7.500 6.000 | Astronomy and Astrophysics Review | GERMANY
↑ 7.364 6.331 6.405 | Astrophysical Journal | UNITED STATES
– 6.502 6.389 6.067 | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | ENGLAND
– 5.103 5.185 5.249 | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | ENGLAND
↑ 5.022 4.429 2.525 | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | JAPAN
– 4.481 4.769 5.019 | Astronomical Journal | UNITED STATES
– 4.179 4.153 4.259 | Astronomy & Astrophysics | FRANCE
↑ 4.136 3.388 3.483 | Astroparticle Physics | NETHERLANDS
↓ 1.046 1.968 1.870 | International Journal of Modern Physics D | SINGAPORE
↑ 0.888 0.689 0.652 | Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics | CHINA
– 10.600 ——— ——— | Living Reviews in Relativity | UNITED STATES
↑ 6.019 5.375 5.659 | Journal of High Energy Physics | ITALY
– 4.922 5.050 4.696 | Physical Review D | UNITED STATES
– 4.341 4.158 4.645 | Nuclear Physics B | NETHERLANDS
– 3.029 3.035 2.846 | Classical and Quantum Gravity | ENGLAND
↑ 2.616 1.803 1.455 | General Relativity and Gravitation | UNITED STATES
– 2.369 2.279 2.372 | Journal of Computational Physics | UNITED STATES
↓ 2.077 2.330 1.633 | Communications in Computational Physics | CHINA
– 2.067 2.075 2.070 | Communications in Mathematical Physics | GERMANY
– 2.034 2.075 2.980 | Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics | UNITED STATES
– 1.958 2.120 1.842 | Computer Physics Communications | NETHERLANDS
– 2.866 2.908 2.893 | Physical Review A | UNITED STATES
– 3.475 3.322 3.172 | Physical Review B | UNITED STATES
– 2.400 2.508 2.483 | Physical Review E | UNITED STATES
◆ In the following a short summary of the Impact Factors
of a few common used NP journals is listed by years.
2000 6.462 4.213 2.228 1.599 2.384 1.854 1.284 1.613 2.822 3.838
2001 6.668 4.377 2.256 1.681 2.695 2.074 1.182 1.725 5.921 4.363
2002 7.323 4.298 2.360 2.013 2.848 1.568 1.399 1.657 6.187 4.358
2003 7.035 4.066 2.075 2.188 2.708 1.761 1.345 2.097 6.604 4.599
2004 7.218 4.619 2.120 1.985 3.125 2.108 1.533 1.614 6.237 5.156
2005 7.489 5.301 2.237 2.072 3.610 1.950 2.173 1.659 6.308 4.852
2006 7.072 5.043 2.229 1.712 3.327 2.155 1.781 1.459 6.119 4.896
2007 6.944 4.189 2.206 1.936 3.302 3.096 3.485 1.801 6.405 4.696
2008 7.180 4.034 2.203 1.661 3.124 1.959 5.270 2.015 6.331 5.050
2009 7.328 5.083 2.893 2.368 3.477 1.706 2.124 1.968 7.364 4.922
◆ In the following a short summary of the Impact Factors
of a few Chinese journals is listed by years.
2000 ——— 0.638
2001 ——— 0.813
2002 ——— 1.036
2003 ——— 1.095
2004 ——— 1.176
2005 0.292 1.276
2006 0.350 1.135
2007 0.591 0.812
2008 0.973 0.743
2009 1.040 0.972