Title: Relativistic description of BCS–BEC crossover in nuclear matter Author(s): Bao Yuan Sun, Hiroshi Toki, and Jie Meng Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 683 Issue: 2-3 P…Continue Reading
Title: Relativistic description of BCS–BEC crossover in nuclear matter Author(s): Bao Yuan Sun, Hiroshi Toki, and Jie Meng Source: Physics Letters B Volume: 683 Issue: 2-3 P…Continue Reading
今早去院里拿回了寄来的《10000个科学难题∙物理学卷》,制作的很不错,就是有点沉,呵呵。去年4月就写稿件,到今年5月科学出版社出版,效率还是很高的。我和孟老师写的问题在757页,关于原子核系统对关联现象的,大家有兴趣的可以去看看,提点意见。书中印刷排版出现了错误,将参考文献[4](见下)遗漏了,有些郁闷。下面还是贴出全文,供大家方便审阅,希望我们…Continue Reading
Title: PAIRING PROPERTIES OF SYMMETRIC NUCLEAR MATTER IN RELATIVISTIC MEAN FIELD THEORY Author(s): J. Li, B. Y. Sun, and J. Meng Source: International Journal of Modern Physic…Continue Reading